
Mastheads provide NetApp web-based products with a consistent, responsive foundation for branding and product-wide controls and functionality.

Responsive Example

Resize the example below to demonstrate how the masthead elements adapt to smaller viewport widths.


Mastheads can include up to six elements as illustrated below:

Mastheads can include up to six elements

  1. Menu Optional
    A menu icon can be added to the masthead for application navigation. The navigation component can be used in conjunction with the masthead to create an application wrapper that includes the masthead and navigation.
  2. NetApp Logo Required
    The masthead must include the NetApp horizontal logo as illustrated above and can have an optional link.
  3. Product Name Optional
    The name of the digital product is placed to the right of the NetApp logo, is separated by a vertical line as illustrated and can have an optional link.
  4. Product Version Optional
    The version of the product (eg. LUCI v3.0.1) can be included adjacent to the Product name as illustrated.
  5. Primary / Global Search Optional
    The masthead includes a primary search input component for site-wide or product-wide search functionality.
  6. Global Controls and Settings Optional Optional
    The masthead accommodates inclusion of controls and settings based on the specific needs of the product. These controls are displayed using icons. Please note:
    • The icons used in the example mastheads are representative only and do not imply that these controls or options should be available in other products.
    • Icons can either link directly to specific pages of the product or be dropdown menus, depending on the needs of the product.
    • It’s recommended that the masthead include no more than 5 icons for Controls and Settings.

Example Element Variations


With only the logo and product name.

NetApp logo
Product Name
Copied to clipboard
<header class="luci-masthead">
    <div class="luci-masthead__container">
        <div class="luci-masthead__cell">
            <svg class="luci-masthead__logo--n" xmlns="" width="395px" height="331.5px" viewBox="0 0 395 331.5" aria-labelledby="title">
                <title>NetApp logo</title>
                <polygon class="luci-masthead__logo-icon" points="16.596,15.027 16.596,317.639 157.934,317.639 157.934,136.031 238.67,136.031 238.67,317.639 379.809,317.639 379.809,15.027" />
            <svg class="luci-masthead__logo" xmlns="" width="1008" height="181.536" viewBox="0 0 1008 181.536" aria-labelledby="title">
                <title>NetApp logo</title>
                <path class="luci-masthead__logo-icon" d="M0 0v147.978h69.062V59.187h39.462v88.791h69.048V0z" />
                <path class="luci-masthead__logo-text" d="M256.498.021h29.832l68.817 91.481V.021h31.898v147.937h-27.477l-71.159-93.403v93.411h-31.913L256.498.021zm146.066 92.327c0 34.43 24.973 58.139 58.786 58.139 20.335 0 35.446-7.979 45.908-21.004l-18.23-16.16c-8.81 8.199-16.571 11.562-27.265 11.562-14.3 0-24.342-7.559-27.497-22.037h78.266c.244-2.926.43-5.898.43-8.377 0-31.912-17.207-61.078-54.743-61.078-32.749 0-55.641 26.438-55.641 58.516v.439m31.247-9.455c2.507-14.453 11.121-23.932 24.379-23.932 13.401 0 21.812 9.639 23.69 23.932h-48.069zm99.045 33.149c0 26.027 13.216 33.793 32.694 33.793 10.707 0 18.512-2.518 25.225-6.51v-25.621c-4.632 2.559-9.87 4.041-15.766 4.041-7.106 0-10.268-3.596-10.268-10.943V62.743h26.456v-27.27h-26.456V6.726h-31.888v28.748H519.44v27.27h13.427l.003 53.298m225.878 65.494h31.866v-48.26c7.558 9.008 18.054 16.783 35.046 16.783 26.678 0 51.229-20.564 51.229-58.154v-.4c0-37.566-24.962-58.117-51.229-58.117-16.562 0-27.271 7.738-35.046 18.235V35.477h-31.866v146.059zm86.194-89.629c0 18.889-12.576 31.086-27.469 31.086-14.896 0-27.271-12.402-27.271-31.086v-.402c0-18.679 12.388-31.05 27.271-31.05 14.893 0 27.469 12.371 27.469 31.05v.402m44.912 89.629h31.895v-48.26c7.543 9.008 18.045 16.783 35.066 16.783 26.627 0 51.186-20.564 51.186-58.154v-.4c0-37.566-24.961-58.117-51.186-58.117-16.584 0-27.297 7.738-35.066 18.235V35.477h-31.895v146.059zm86.265-89.629c0 18.889-12.619 31.086-27.52 31.086-14.855 0-27.271-12.402-27.271-31.086v-.402c0-18.679 12.412-31.05 27.271-31.05 14.899 0 27.52 12.371 27.52 31.05v.402m-377.165 56.056h32.938l13.438-32.975h58.239l13.524 32.975h33.666L689.376.006h-29.051l-61.371 147.957zm55.965-61.459l19.534-47.701 19.513 47.701h-39.047z" />
        <div class="luci-masthead__cell luci-masthead__cell--grow">
            <div class="luci-masthead__title">
                <span class="luci-masthead__product-name"> Product Name </span>


With all available elements.


  • When a Primary / Global Search element is present the luci-masthead__mobile-search-button element should have an aria-controls attribute that corresponds with the unique of the luci-search__form-input element and have an aria-expanded attribute that corresponds with the visibility of the luci-search__form-input element.
  • When used with a navigation component the luci-masthead__menu-button element should have an aria-controls attribute that corresponds with the unique id of the luci-navigation-container__navigation-vertical element and have an aria-expanded attribute that corresponds with the visibility of the luci-navigation-container__navigation-vertical element.
<button class="luci-masthead__menu-button" aria-controls="navigation-container-id" aria-expanded="false">
    <svg class="luci-icon luci-masthead__menu-icon" aria-hidden="true">
        <use xlink:href="/icons/luci.svg#menu"></use>

Class Reference

Class Applies to Outcome



Displays search on small screens.