Links are the navigational building blocks of a web site or digital product. There are several link variations available in LUCI.
<a class="luci-link" href="#">
<span class="luci-link__text"> Standard Link </span>
<a class="luci-link luci-link--on-dark" href="#">
<span class="luci-link__text"> Standard Link </span>
Use a link with an icon when there’s a need to distinguish the link from standard text links and provide a tie-in with the link’s interaction, such as associating a download icon with a download action.
<a class="luci-link" href="#">
<svg class="luci-icon luci-link__icon luci-link__icon--left" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="/icons/luci.svg#download"> </use>
<span class="luci-link__text"> Link with Icon </span>
<a class="luci-link luci-link--on-dark" href="#">
<svg class="luci-icon luci-link__icon luci-link__icon--left" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="/icons/luci.svg#download"> </use>
<span class="luci-link__text"> Link with Icon </span>
Use a CTA link as a more prominent call to action on a page most often as a lighter weight alternative to the button component. However, CTA links, can be used in conjunction with primary and secondary buttons for a tertiary or less important action on the page.
<a class="luci-link luci-link--cta" href="#">
<span class="luci-link__text"> All Caps Link </span>
<svg class="luci-icon luci-link__icon luci-link__icon--right" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="/icons/luci.svg#navigate-forward"> </use>
<a class="luci-link luci-link--cta luci-link--on-dark" href="#">
<span class="luci-link__text"> All Caps Link </span>
<svg class="luci-icon luci-link__icon luci-link__icon--right" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="/icons/luci.svg#navigate-forward"> </use>
Class | Applies to | Outcome |
Adds link styles. |
Creates a link for use on dark backgrounds. |
Adds “Call to Action” styles to link. |
Adds left icon and padding for text label. |
Adds right icon and padding for text label. |