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The LUCI design system includes a foundation of assets and resources to help teams design and build cohesive NetApp websites and digital products.


The LUCI visual language is the foundation for the overall look and feel of NetApp web sites and digital products. It includes specifications on color, iconography, typography and spacing.

Familiarize yourself with these critical elements as a first step.


  • Figma Library

    The LUCI library Figma file contains design elements and symbols such as color palette values, form elements, icons, etc.

    How to use the LUCI Figma Library

    To use the LUCI library in your Figma file, navigate to the “Assets” tab of the lefthand panel in your Figma file, then click the Team Libraries (book) icon in the upper right corner of the panel. If the LUCI library is not immediately present in the dialog that pops up, find it in the list of libraries, or search for it. Once you’ve located the “LUCI 4.0.0 Library” library in the list, switch it on with the switch control next to the library name. LUCI components will now be available to use in your design file. This must be done for each design file in which you want to use the LUCI library.

    Note: You should not make edits to the library file symbols directly, but should instead edit the symbols exclusively in your project document. You can do this by detaching symbols from the library or importing them as local symbols.

  • Icons

    The zip file contains SVG and PNG formats of the LUCI icon set.

Need something else? Contact the LUCI team to make a request.